Claudia Biehne

Claudia Biehne combines craftsmanship at the highest level with distinctive artistic articulation. She uses porcelain that requires sophisticated processing for her unique creations, which constantly presents her with new technical challenges. Courageous and curious experimentation provides the foundation for Claudia Biehne’s sculptural works.

The playful virtuosity in her creations is reminiscent of organic shapes and artifacts from the past. The artist works with partial sketches to give viewers sufficient space to freely develop their own interpretations of her work.

Claudia Biehne’s objects pique significant attention at German and international expositions. They are part of various collections in museums and private spaces alike.

Her work carries the potential of long-term appreciation. Porcelain also has the additional quality of high resistance to environmental influences. Nonetheless, it is unsurpassed in the intangible value of its elegant individual pieces.


Memory Traces
Memory Traces
Memory Traces